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The National Disaster Medical System will advertise and accept applications for available team positions on USAJobs.gov. Persons interested in an NDMS team position are encouraged to visit USAJobs.gov and search keyword "NDMS". You can also set up an account on USAJobs.com and save your search which will then automatically email you periodically (daily, weekly, etc) of the results. You are also encouraged to build your online USAJobs.com resume in advance as well as obtain a copy of your higher education transcripts (if applicable) which will be required as part of the application.


Read the job posting carefully. It will include instructions about how to apply. Applications are usually accepted for two weeks, then the position closes. Act promptly.

Once an application for an open position is received and initially screened, NDMS will forward the application to the team for further review and an interview, and hiring recommendation back to NDMS. NDMS will then make a determination to proceed with an applicant and the team will assist the applicant with the remainder of the federal employment process. The process includes completion of various federal employment application forms, fingerprinting and a background check.

Submission of an application does not guarantee a team position. Members will be selected on criteria including but not limited to an ability to be on-call for deployment for at least two weeks several times each year, work experience, skill level, other team experience, commitment and ability to work in a team setting. Those who have served in the military receive preference. Final appointments will be made by the federal Department of Health and Human Services, National Disaster Medical System after a formal federal employment process and screening.

Requirements for continued team participation include deployment availability, completion of training requirements, and attendance at team meetings and drills, some of which may involve a portion of your own time.


Deployment of team members is the sole authority of the Team Commander. Deployment will require a commitment to serve on a temporary federal duty assignment for as much as two weeks anywhere within the United States and its holdings. Supervisor and employer support is mandatory. VA-1 DMAT and federal NDMS Policies and Procedures will govern individual DMAT activities, job performance and discipline.

If you are unfamiliar with the National Disaster Medical System and DMAT Teams you are encouraged to learn more about them.  Other questions can be directed to team Commander Michael Player at 757-890-3627 or via email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   or to other VA-1 DMAT leaders.

Team Status
Green = Available
Yellow = On Call 
Orange = Alert
Red = Deployed
Team personnel can click a
status box for more information